Smart Dublin Enabling Climate Action

Smart Dublin supported the four Dublin Local Authorities with the Dublin Climate Action Week (DCAW) programme from 9-15th September. This involved networking at the DCAW launch at the Mansion House plus two dedicated Staff events at South Dublin County Council (SDCC) and Dun-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (dlr) titled: Discover how Smart Dublin is enabling Climate Action

At the SDCC and dlr events, opening remarks were provided by the respective Climate Action teams; Gary Tyrell (SDCC) and Richard Fitzpatrick (dlr) – highlighting the need for robust data to demonstrate the impact of their Climate Action Plans.

Alan Murphy, the Smart Dublin Regional Manager, introduced Smart Dublin and some of the relevant projects happening at Dublin City Council (DCC). This included the uses of drones for Flood Defence, usage of sensors for Gully monitoring and collaboration with Google to visualise hyperlocal air quality in the city centre.

Charlotte de Ferrars, a UCD Research Scientist, presented on two European research projects ProBONO and SCORE projects, which are underway at dlr. SCORE is investigating coastal flooding and climate resilience including Citizen Science. ProBONO is investigating green building neighbourhoods using integrated photovoltaics and bi-directional EV charging.

Smart Dublin’s Open Data Lead, Jack Kavanagh, showcased a new Dublin Region Active Travel Dashboard. The dashboard is an accessible central repository of cycling and walking data across the Dublin region. It combines data from the Census, Google, and Pedestrian/Cycle counters for the Dublin region.

Closing remarks encouraged the audience to consider how technology and data can be used in innovative ways to enable Climate action for their respective Council service area.

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